Pregnancy brings about many changes, and often, the most disruptive of those changes is in sleep - for better or for worse. To address these changes and help make sure pregnant women get enough rest, it's important to understand the adaptations that occur during gestation.
Modern technology has opened the doors to a better night's rest. From bedside devices that help create calming sleep environments to sleep-tracking apps that provide insights into our slumber, tech is helping us get more out of our Z's.
Good sleep is essential for more than just a refreshed feeling - it can have a positive effect on your digestion and metabolic system, helping you keep your energy levels high and your digestive system functioning optimally.
As the days lengthen and the sun rises earlier, it’s important to prepare our body for the shift in season. Mastering the art of “seasonal adaptation” can help us maximize our well-being and rest.
Good sleep depends on more than just getting enough hours in bed. Your respiratory health plays a major role in both how well you sleep and how soundly you rest.
When making travel plans, don't forget to factor in how to best manage sleep interruptions and jet lag. With the right tips and tricks, you can arrive at your destination feeling well-rested and energized.
Try your hardest to catch some z's for the rest of the day! Working in a well-rested state will allow you to be more productive and get everything done with ease. Taking the time to prioritize restful sleep will benefit you in the long run.
Do you often find it difficult to achieve the restful sleep your body needs? Start by creating a sleep-friendly environment in your bedroom; it may be all you need to get a good night's rest!